Diablo Light Opera Company and Starstruck




“The Emperor’s Gnu Clothes”




$15 each


If you would like to purchase a DVD of this show:


 Fill out the bottom portion of this flyer and mail your order and a check or money order to the address below:


Jim Banghart

124 Warren St.

Martinez, CA 94553

(925) 370-6243


Checks should be made out to: Jim Banghart

Please allow 2 weeks for delivery of this DVD

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“The Emperor’s Gnu Clothes” DVD


Cost: $15 per DVD

Cast/quantity:       Egalite                              (May 27th 6 PM & May 28th 3:30 PM)


                              Fraternite                         (May 27th 8 PM & May 28th 1:30 PM)


Make checks payable to: Jim Banghart        Amount enclosed:                                               

Mail DVD to:






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Please allow 2 weeks for delivery of this DVD